domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

Yes We Spain Is Different

This is my opinion about our country.
To begin, we do not have a good economic culture. Not even a good education. It is a very basic failure, which one will be late decades in solving, if someone puts to it, clearly. That nobody does he does not even claim still. Another serious failure. The capitalism has taken to itself ahead everything. Values, personality, ideal. With our assent. In words of always brilliant Jose Luis Sampedro, we educate our chavalería to be productive, to win and to consume. To tread to of to the side, if it puts on us in way. To be mas. To have the major quantity of possible things. And this way, we are since we are. Throwing pests of the immigrants, which we brought because we were needing to construct. Really were we needing them? Or were they needing them to businessmen and banks? We construct in 10 years what we would have to be constructing now.. .. We leave the peoples, these sites where it is lived well and where still it is lived decently, to fill the cities. In order that? And you do not avenge me with the family party of which in the peoples there is no work. It can be and to be that not. Things called cars exist ... and also other things called cheap housing and quality of life. Ah, clear, that in the capitals is the work ...

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